Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Did you get the bill?

Meeting and paying.
Two of the most awkward moments on dates. Over the past few months I have gone on numerous blind/online/set-up dates and let me tell you, no matter how much easier I find them now, those continue to be the two moments when I feel my palms sweat.
When I first started this online dating saga I used to get so nervous before meeting the next mystery man. I think back to my first date and almost chuckle at how far I have come. Now I wouldn't call myself a pro (just wait till november) but I have gone on enough to know that I can confidently carry a conversation for a good length of the date if need be. Maybe its my charm, maybe its my hilarious jokes (im still single so clearly they can't be THAT funny), but there are rarely moments that I find myself at a complete standstill.
Except for this one time.

Meet Mr. Outdoorsy. I was SO excited to meet him (first mistake). We met online and then our schedules didn't work out so we continued to text for about a week. First lesson I learned from this date: texting chemistry and real life chemistry are VERY different. Here I was, all week, texting with Mr. Outdoorsy and laughing at all of the hilarious jokes he was making. Turns out that all of his jokes that I thought were 'sarcastic one-liners' turned out to be not jokes at all. When we met in real life I came to quickly realize that he actually means everything that he says. Normally I would just throw back a couple beers and call it a night but this was mistake number two. We went for dinner AND we only ordered water.

Another lesson: never go for dinner on a blind date and regardless of what my fellow dater is doing, if I want a drink, I should order one.

So our version of 'the last supper' continued and throughout it I was constantly being shocked by what he was saying. He had story after story about all of his outdoorsy adventures and how women just wouldn't be able to keep up. He talked about how women are nurturers and therefore should only have nurturing jobs...and basically, how women are much lower in society than men.
Now, I think all of my friends would agree that I am a very easy going person. I also don't like to get into arguments, especially on a blind date. So when I am having to say "I don't think of myself as a hardcore feminist, but I completely disagree with you" know this date is going very bad.

Cue to the end of the very long, sober dinner.

After drinking copious amounts of water (both to avoid talking to him and keep myself from marching out the door) I take a trip to the ladies room. When I come back I see the plates all cleared away and a black book with the bill inside is sitting in the middle of the table. I sit down and begin to talk when he completely cuts me off and says "I got the bill."
"wow, thank you" I say --completely surprised at this gesture from him.
 And that is when he says the clincher of the evening.

"oh, no, I didn't pay for it. I just got the waitress to bring it over"

Cue red face and embarrassment.

Looking back at that moment, maybe I jumped to conclusion, maybe its the 'woman' in me as I am sure he would say to assume that 'I got the bill' translates to 'I paid for the bill'... but all that I know is that I got one funny story and I laughed all the way home. 

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